Jupyter Notebook Markdown

ubaid darwaish

One of the most popular web interfaces among data scientists is Jupyter Notebook, which is an open source web application that supports Julia, Python and R. You can use it to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and text.

Jupyter notebook is famous for many reasons and one such feature is its support for Markdown, which is a markup language that is a superset of HTML.

Today we will discuss Markdown and how we can use it in Jupyter.

The two main modes of editing a cell in Jupyter is either ‘Code’ mode or ‘Markdown’ mode. When a cell is highlighted in green color, its in edit mode. When a cell is highlighted in blue color, its in command mode. You can go into edit mode by using ‘Enter’ You can go into command mode by pressing ‘Esc’ When in command mode, the cell can be changed to Markdown mode by pressing M or Code mode by pressing Y

Some of the popular customisations of markdown language are discussed here:

Contributed by: Ubaid Darwaish